Sunday, November 10, 2019

National Occupational Standards: Health and Social Care Essay

1.2 – Explain why reflecting on work activities is an important way to develop own knowledge and skills Reflecting on work activities in an important way to develop knowledge, skills and practice it enables us to reach our goals, achieve a better understanding of ourselves, self-awareness, strengths and weaknesses. To be able to reflect on how individuals are doing and to transfer knowledge to our practice. The things that I know or what I don’t know, how to achieve some goals, achievements and where I need to improve. 1.3 – Describe ways to ensure that personal attitudes and beliefs do not obstruct the quality of work To be able to ensure that personal attitudes and beliefs do not obstruct the quality of work you must not let your own personal feelings get in the way of doing your job correctly, treat everybody as an equal and work to support the residents needs, have a positive attitude towards all of the residents we take care of, ensure we follow all policies and procedures of our work setting without making any expectation. Also to respect the rights of each  of the residents and do not allow prejudice in the work setting and give everybody the same opportunities, regardless of our opinion. Outcome 2 – Understand how learning activities can develop knowledge, skills and understanding see more:understand how to handle information in social care 2.1 – Describe how a learning activity has improved own knowledge, skills and understanding Learning activities can improve an individual’s knowledge, skill and understanding by providing us with new ideas, such as something we may have never encountered before. Learning activities also give the individual new areas of learning, such as subjects and topics that you may have not previously covered. And courses on things that make the job easier, or even legally required courses that produce great new areas of learning that allow us to perform our job role, such as manual handling or medication training. It also enables us to apply theories or ideas into practice and discover if they are successful in doing what we intend them to, which in turn is great in developing our self confidence. Confidence is often the key in making strides with a difficult individual or even with self improvement, and with being confident it allows us to learn at an easier pace, which also devel ops our skills into more tangible tools that we understand. 2.2 – Describe how reflecting on a situation has improved own knowledge, skills and understanding Reflecting on a situation can improve an individual greatly by providing personal insight on a subject, which leads to a better understanding of a topic, we can reflect on how well we performed and in what ways our performance could be improved. By reflecting we can examine how effective our practice is by thinking about people’s reactions to us. About how there may have been other outcomes, and how to reach those outcomes, eliminating the bad paths and highlighting the more positive conclusions, in hope of reaching them the next time we face the same situation. 2.3 Describe how feedback from others has developed own knowledge, skills and understanding Having feedback from others and being willing to listen to that feedback, as well as use it to your advantage is a huge part of self improvement, and plays a massive role in developing our knowledge, skills and understanding of certain things. Such as the way you speak to someone, as you’re talking and joking you might believe that the subjects you breach are perfectly acceptable, but the service user you are communicating with may not want to show they don’t want to talk about it either out of politeness or some other motive, but another member of staff  may be able to recognize this, and discuss it with you while they give out feedback which lets you identify the area for improvement. Feedback can increase problem solving capabilities by allowing you to take in a situation from another’s perspective, and approaching a previous problem in a way that you have discovered by listening to others, they will tell you their perspectives and how they might deal with a situation in a more appropriate way. Perhaps in the form of advice or even just a little more information on how a certain service user likes to be treated. Changing the way to act around someone can have a massive impact on them, and sometimes feedback is the only way to identify this. Outcome 3 – Know how a personal development plan can contribute to own learning and development 3.1 – Define the term personal development plan Personal Development Plan’ is a term which describes an agreed way of recording information such as agreed objectives in regards to an individual, proposals on how to meet those objectives and the activities to follow. Including timescales for reviews amongst other things, and dates to assess the progress of any of the above, though the term ‘personal development plan’ may not be used exactly 3.2 – Identify who could be involved in the personal development plan process There are many people who may be involved with certain service users personal development plan, these include but are not limited to people such as The individual Carers Advocates Supervisor Line manager Employer Other professionals. (nurses or doctors e.g.) 3.3 – Identify sources of support for own learning and development Support for own learning and development exists in many places both in the workplace and outside of the workplace. Such as Formal support (Government funded schemes and organizations) A supervision An appraisal Within the organization Outside of the organization. (people with experience and knowledge that you can speak to that exist outside of your workplace, such as family and friends.) 3.4 – List the benefits of using a personal development plan to identify ongoing improvements in own knowledge and understanding The benefits to having personal development plans in place include: Focusing on what an individual wants to achieve and how to achieve it To develop greater self awareness of training needs Increasing the understanding of how to meet those needs It provides evidence to show how and what approach was taken in the attempt to improve your own knowledge and understanding

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